Dr. Pine has been conducting trainings over decades throughout the globe for leading non-profit organizations, schools, clinicians, mental health and counseling providers, government agencies, police departments, judges and lawyers, corporate clients, and others.
Sample Training Topics:
A Three-Day Training for NGOs, Service Providers, Leaders, and Stakeholders: Working Together Toward a Unified, Comprehensive Approach to CSA Prevention, Treatment, and Mitigation, Auckland, New Zealand, Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and CAF America
A Three-Day Training for Policymakers and Stakeholders: Working Together Toward a Unified, Comprehensive Approach to CSA Prevention, Treatment, and Mitigation in Cyprus, Hosted by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus
Training Series: Two-Day Trainings on the Basics of CSA / Trafficking for All Public School Psychologists and Counselors, Hosted by the Department of Education and the Department of Family Services, Prince George’s County, MD
CSA and Trafficking Basics – A Program for Prince George’s County School Nurses, Prince George’s County, MD, Hosted by Prince George’s County Department of Education and the Department of Family Services, Prince George’s County, MD
A Training for Judges and Other Court-Related Personnel on Handling Cases of CSA in the Family Courts; The National Children’s Bench Book Project, Funded by the Department of Justice (conducted on the Campus of the University of Maryland)
A Training on CSA for the Zambian Police Force, Lusaka, Zambia
Microenterprise Training for Women with Low Incomes, Tamara, Morocco, funded by USAID
Leprosy Diagnosis and Treatment, A Training for Doctors in the Yemen Arab Republic, Funded by the USG
Dr. Pine, in partnership with the University of Applied Research and Development (UARD) developed a unique, affordable, go-at-your-own pace, online, Certificate to Master’s Degree Program. To learn more and express interest, click here
Pam presenting in New Zealand at the first CSA prevention and mitigation training for NGOs and service providers in November 2018
In 2014, Dr. Pine conducted a training in Cyprus for the Ministry of Education and Culture as a part of Stop the Silence® programming. Dr. Pine worked with Cyprus to move forward a holistic and comprehensive CSA prevention and mitigation program, now being used in New Zealand and requested elsewhere.
Bringing a Unified Focus Forward on Youth-Oriented Environmental Programs in Jordan.