Workshop Presenter

Dr. Pine travels throughout the world inspiring workshop participants with creative, education-rich, interactive learning experiences. Dr. Pine’s use of art and multimedia in her workshops helps participants to synthesize complex information while encouraging creativity to open hearts and minds. These artistic medi include: storytelling, theater, film, music, music videos, and everyday objects.

Sample Workshops

University of Miami
Showcasing the Best of Public Relations Research: Seventh Annual Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL. (The CSA research and paper by Bei Ling Sha and Dr. Pine won top prize.)

PacWin Conference, Hawaii
Art as Advocacy – Using Theater, Film, Art, Other Media to Raise Awareness and Catalyze Action

Amman, Jordon
Bringing a Unified Focus Forward: Youth-Advocacy NGO Workshop for grantees working with youth-oriented programs under the Public Action for Water, Energy and Environment Project (PAP), with ECODIT LLC in Amman, Jordan, funded by USAID. The focus was to improve the impact of youth advocacy (outreach, social media, marketing) programs.

Bringing a Unified Focus Forward
on Youth-Oriented Environmental Programs

Hit by Lightning, a music video with music and lyrics by Amy Pine and sung by Tamora Pellikka helps participants process related workshop topics with both right and left brain engagement

Dr. Pine uses art and everyday objects to help people synthesize information, learn, and grow.